Soccer Post is located in Fair Oaks and can supply your player with gear.
The FOSC uniform consists of a set of jerseys (gray and gold), black shorts, black socks, shin guards, and cleats.
Black Shorts: Black shorts are available at Soccer Post but can be purchased at any store.
Shin guards: For the Littles, shin guards that are inserted into a sleeve are adequate. For U10 and above, FOSC encourages players to use more substantial shin guards to reduce the potential for injury.
Socks: Soccer socks are commonly referred to as "OVER THE CALF" and extend up to just below the player's knee. The sock covers the shin guard. Shin guards are not allowed to be exposed during game play.
Some goal keepers wear socks that extend above the knee. The extra length is useful to protect against scrapes during game play. Some defenders also choose to wear such socks.
The FOSC uniforms can be purchaed at Soccer Post in Fair Oaks.
Soccer Post does NOT have uniforms in stock yet. We will let you know when they are available.
Soccer Post asked us to let all parents know that they do not do custom numbers on the jerseys. This means you cannot choose your player's jersey number.
Soccer Post is located at 11726 Fair Oaks Blvd, Fair Oaks, CA, 95628
Soccer Balls: Each player must purchase his/her own soccer ball to bring to practice and for practicing at home. The ball does not have to cost a fortune. A ball can be purchased starting at around $8 to $10. Your coach and club will have balls available for game play.
Soccer Ball Sizes
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