Fair Oaks Soccer Club

P.O. Box 2950

Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Recreational Program

Fall 2025 Registration Opens

April 5th, 2025!

The link to register will be posted here closer to April.

*We try to take every player but spots are only available based on how many coaches we have each season. It is possible that a certain age group might fill during the first month or two of registration. In this case, your player will be placed on a waitlist (payment is not processed) and we will attempt to find more volunteer coaches..

FOSC offers a fall recreational soccer program for children 

 4 1/2 to 18 years old

*please see our age matrix below for age restrictions

Quick details:

•Players in U6/U8 (2018-2021) play games on Friday nights and have 1-2 practices a week. Practices start in early August.

•Players in U10+ (2007-2017) play games on Saturdays and have 2 practices a week. Practices can start in late July or early August.

Our Recreational Program is open all skill levels. 

  • There are no tryouts or prerequisites.
  • Registration will continue as long as there is space available on a team for your child and coaches can be secured.
  • You are encouraged to register as early as possible. 
  • In the upper age groups, our number of players starts to decline. We try to keep the number of players balanced across teams to make them all competitive.
  • As the children get older, the number of players on a team increases as they begin playing on larger fields and play longer games.

U6 & U8 Microsoccer Program

Our littest players play in a program called Microsoccer. All registration details are on this page but use the link below to view our page dedicated to our Microsoccer program. Players will be place in age groups based on birth year.


2025 Season Details

  • Registration is online and opens early April 2025.

  • You will be contacted by your coach in late July with your team's information.

  • Practices for U6/U8 may begin in  early August.

  •  U10/U12/U14/U16/U19 may begin in July. 

  • Games will begin late August/early September. We will have approximately 10 games. The season will end in early to mid November. U10-U19 teams will play games on Saturdays. 

  • We try our best to reschedule games affected by weather or poor air quality. However, sometimes it is not possible to reschedule all games. 

  • Practices and/or games may be cancelled because of excessive heat.

  • Practices and/or games may be curtailed or cancelled because poor air quality. 

  • FOSC cancels all sanctioned activities when the local Air Quality Index (AQI) exceeds 150. 

2025 Age Matrix

This matrix indicates the age group in which your child will play. Children are not permitted to play in an age group lower than what is indicated by their birth year. Children MUST turn 4 years old by 08/31/25.

Under 6 Under 8 Under 10 Under 12 Under 14 Under 16 Under 19
01/01/2021 - 08/31/2021 01/01/2019 - 12/31/2019 01/01/2017 - 12/31/2017 01/01/2015 - 12/31/2015 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2013 01/01/2011 - 12/31/2011 01/01/2009 - 12/31/2009
01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 01/01/2018 - 12/31/2018 01/01/2016 - 12/31/2016 01/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 01/01/2012 - 12/31/2012 01/01/2010 - 12/31/2010 01/01/2008 - 12/31/2008
01/01/2007- 12/31/2007

2025 Fees

Early Bird Pricing!

Early Bird Pricing

April 5th-18th:

  • U6-U8 $150 (Savings of $10!) Includes 2 game jerseys with number on back. No additional jersey purchase necessary.
  • U10-U19 $155 (Savings of $10!) Game jerseys purchased separately. 

$20 discount per sibling! Siblings must be registered in the same transaction in order for the discount to apply.

Regular Pricing

April 19-June 1: 

  • U6-U8  $160 Includes 2 game jerseys with number on back. No additional jersey purchase necessary.
  • U10-U19  $165 Game jerseys purchased separately. 

$20 discount per sibling!  Siblings must be registered in the same transaction in order for the discount to apply.

Late Pricing (if spots are available)

June 2 and later:

  • U6-U8  $190 Includes 2 game jerseys with number on back. No additional jersey purchase necessary.
  • U10-U19  $195 Game jerseys purchased separately. 

$20 discount per sibling!  Siblings must be registered in the same transaction in order for the discount to apply.

I'm new to soccer and I have some questions before I complete my registration!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Do you have a first time soccer player? FOSC is a great place to begin! We have lots of info on this page but here are a few common questions.

Q.  Can my child play for a competitve soccer team and play for FOSC at the same time?

A. No. FOSC does not support concurrent play of competive soccer and FOSC rec soccer. If a player is on a comp team elsewhere, he or she must cease activities with the comp team before joining an FOSC rec team on the field. The player may play on the comp team right up until FOSC rec practices begin.  More questions about this? Ask here.

Q. How old does my child have to be to play soccer with FOSC?

A. Your child must turn 4 years old by August 31, 2025. There are no exceptions.

Q. After I register, when will I hear from the Coach?

A. You will hear from your Coach in July or early August, depending upon your player's age group.

Q. When do practices start?

A. Practices can begin in mid July to early August.  The Coach decides when his/her team will begin. We understand summer is busy. If your player can't make the first week of practice, it's ok.

Q. How long is the season?

A. Our Recreational Soccer program runs from early August through early November. There are typically about 10 games in a season for each team in U10 through U19.

Q. How long are the games?

A. The game duration varies with the age group. The following table provides more information regarding the length of game play. Note: the half-time break is not included.

Age group Game duration
U6 20 minutes (2, 10-minute halves)
U8 40 minutes (2, 20-minute halves)
U10 50 minutes (2, 25-minute halves)
U12 60 minutes (2, 30-minute halves)
U14 70 minutes (2, 35-minute halves)
U16 80 minutes (2, 40-minute halves)
U19 90 minutes (2, 45-minute halves)
Q. We are a busy family with two working parents. Can I choose my practice days/times?

A. No. We roster over 1200 players each season and we cannot accept requests for practice days/times. We allow our volunteer coaches to choose their practice schedules.

Q. How long is practice?

A. The duration varies by age and by Coach/team. For the Littles, practices are typically about 1 hour long, while for U10-U19 team, the practice can last up to 2 hours. 

Typically practices are either M/W or T/Th. FOSC has two practice time slots: 4-6 PM and 6-8 PM. The time slot and duration selected depends on player's age and daylight.

Q. Can I request friends to be on my child's team?

A. Yes, there is a section on the registration form for friend requests. Please understand this is a request, not a guarantee.

Q. Can I get a refund if the practices do not work with our schedule?

A. Yes. You can email the registrar and ask for a refund, however, there is an admin fee that is withheld as our club pays the league for every player that is registered. Please see section on refunds for the schedule and more info.

Q. Can I change teams if the time slot/schedule does not work out?

No. After the rosters are released, we do not move players to new teams to accommodate family schedules.  If the day/time doesn't work for you, please contact us for a refund. *Please see our refund policy.

Q. Can we play for a team for which we are not assigned?

A. No.

Q. Can you tell me anything else about your club?

A. Our mission is to positively impact our community by providing the game of soccer to youths of all ages and playing abilities. We strive to create an environment that inspires a love for the game and that enables the full potential of our youth in skill development, personal growth, and leadership. We are active members in our community and recognize a responsibility to make contributions through our service, our programs, and civic partnerships. 

Do you have general questions about our soccer program?

Do you have questions related to registering your player?

For our 2025 season, uniforms can be purchased at Soccer Pro in Fair Oaks for our U10-U19 players. 

Click HERE  for complete uniform details.

In addition to jerseys, ALL players will need the following:

Black Shorts: Black shorts are available at Soccer Post (formerly Soccer Pro) but can be purchased at any store. 

Shin guards: For the Littles, shin guards that are inserted into a sleeve are adequate. For U10 and above, FOSC encourages players to use more substantial shin guards to reduce the potential for injury. 

Socks: Soccer socks are commonly referred to as "OVER THE CALF" and extend up to just below the player's knee. The sock covers the shin guard. Shin guards are not allowed to be exposed during game play. 

Some goal keepers wear socks that extend above the knee. The extra length is useful to protect against scrapes during game play. Some defenders also choose to wear such socks. 

Balls: Each player must purchase his/her own soccer ball to bring to practice and for practicing at home. The ball does not have to cost a fortune, a ball can be purchased starting at around $8 to $10. Your Coach and Club will have balls available for game play. 

Soccer Ball Sizes

  • U6 & U8 = size 3
  • U10 & U12 = size 4
  • U14 & above = size 5

Team Placement

Your player will be placed on a team according to his/her age. Only the U6 age group is coed.

Team/Friend Requests

  • We do our best to honor all requests. You can indicate your requests during registration. We do NOT honor requests for practices days, times, or locations. We roster over 1,150 players. We allow our volunteer coaches to choose their practice days/times/locations. 
  • Please register on time. We may not be able to accommodate your requests if you register late. 

Play Ups

If you would like your child to play up to the next age group, please contact our registrar HERE.  A player is permitted to play up one birth year only in certain circumstances. 

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